Lion's Gate 888 Special Activation

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

8:00 PM EST/5 PM PST

hosted by Diana MaAra Divine

and Marion Elizabeth Grace

Join us in this powerful masterclass where we will guide you on an enlightening journey to discover your Soul's unique expression of Source Language, also known as Light Language.

In this transformative class, you will delved into the essence of Source Language - understanding its profound significance and learning how it is used for spiritual and person growth.

We will explore the fascinating realms of Higher Self communication and channeling. Additionally, you will receive codes especially for Lion's Gate that will include dragon, fairies, Lyran. These frequencies transmissions/activations designed to awaken your innate capabilities and manifestations.

This masterclass also includes time for FAQ to address your curiosities and expand your understanding.

Space is Limited.

Reserve your seat now.

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Experience real-time activations for group during the webinar as the hosts will be channeling what is needed for everyone to activate potent light codes for the soul and body.


Delve into the ancient and profound multidimensional way of communicating, opening your understanding on channeling and more.


Gain practical insights on how light language can be user in to integrate into your daily life, fostering deeper connection with the universal Source.


Diana MaAra Divine

Diana is a Soul Guide and Galactic Shaman. Sound and Soul Communication is her passion in service for others to activate their multidimensional potential. The Source Language Institute has been her vision to provide a centralized platform for others to connect and unlock their Source Codes and Light Language.

Marion Elizabeth Grace

Marion is an intuitive healer, practiced in Reiki, Light language, Source code activations and Crystalline Soul Healing. Since 2012 she’s been using her talents to cultivate her own modality and the creation of the Cosmic Body Attunement

What People are Saying...

"The thought that light in itself is a language never crossed my mind before attending Diana's course. While I didn't know what exactly I was signing up for, previous experiences in the ceremonial and sound world opened up my curiosity to experiment more than I once used to.

The zoom setup that can naturally have its own drawbacks was actually beneficial to remain in a feeling of safety and privacy in my own place. The material taught was easier to digest, and having it be online allowed for revisiting the material when needed..."


Don't miss this premium training

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